《建筑师》杂志 · 2020「天作奖」国际大学生建筑设计竞赛题目揭晓(附英文版)

作者: 时间:2020-02-17 点击数:







题 旨






更重要的是,想象在一百年之后的人事更易, 建筑如何维系场所的自然地景,面对新人新事与环境永续和自然共生。


- 麦克哈格:设计结合自然(大海与生存;城市:过程与形式).

- 凯文·林奇:总体设计(2. 场地的分析;9.感觉的形式).

- 诺伯格-舒尔茨:场所精神:迈向建筑现象学(I场所;II自然场所).

- 弗兰姆普敦:走向批判的地域主义:抵抗建筑学的六个要点.


















童 明



董 功









李 鸽



一等奖 1名 奖励证书 + 捌万元人民币整

二等奖 2名 奖励证书 + 伍万元人民币整

三等奖 5名 奖励证书 + 壹万元人民币整

佳作奖 10名 奖励证书 +《建筑师》全年杂志六期



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李 鸽





010—58337043 / 7115 / 7029 / 7105


中国建筑出版传媒有限公司 《建筑师》杂志社





Architecture of Landscape with Nature


WANG Weijen

Director of Wang Weijen Architecture;

Professor of Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong


Architecture globally is now facing critical challenges on how to work with nature that relate more broadly to the human condition in the face of environmental and social crises. For the past hundred years, in the context of economic development and its un-limited consumption of natural resources, land reclamation has drastically turned major forests, first into farmlands and then eventually into built-land for development. Confronted with global warming and the increasingly fragile ecology of our earth, how can architecture coexist with natural environment? With global resource depletion and social in-justice, how can architecture sustain humanity and ecology by coordinating with communities, respecting nature and landscape, facilitating the recycling of resources and creating a sharing society?

After nearly a half-century of accelerating urbanization, the scale of expansion for buildings and cities in China has been drastically multiplied reaching a speed that has never appeared in the human history before. By transforming the agricultural and culture landscape into speculative real-estate for construction and despite the proliferation of green building regulations for implementing sustainable strategies we are actually moving further away from an architecture of landscape and nature. With a rich cultural background comprising art, literature and philosophy historically developed in relation to nature, how could a new architecture in China contribute to discourses of landscape and sustainability that are rooted in nature and ecology?

An architecture of landscape integrates architecture with the landscape. It is an integral part of an ecological system working together with geology and topography, location and hydrology, green plants and other organic lives. Beyond addressing the visual pleasure of certain landscape architecture, an architecture of landscape makes architecture part of the cultural landscape of place. The cultural landscape of place comprises relationships with production and inhabitation as well nature and ecology. An architecture of landscape is both landscape architecture as well as architectural landscape. It requires great attention to the variation of contour and datum levels, a good understanding of water flow on and beneath the ground, knowledge of the movement of the sun and the change of the wind, and a strong perceptual and ecological understanding of the trees and forest, insects and floras.

An architecture of landscape not only addresses the visual integration of architecture with landscape, it also addresses the functional integration of architecture into its natural environment including ventilation and lighting, water, energy and resource recycling within the natural ecology. At the same time, an architecture of landscape integrates materials and construction with nature exploring a sustainable tectonics of poetic beauty. An architecture of landscape could most likely be low-rise, however, multi-story or tall buildings could be adopted strategically as they may help conserve land for nature. An architecture of landscape is phenomenological and perceptual. It is a natural landscape of memory with a sense of place. An architecture of landscape reflects the aesthetics of authenticity integrating a culture of simplicity with nature and its ecological environment. An architecture of landscape also stresses the beauty of societies with openness and justice allowing communal and civic participation in the building up of the foundation of nature conservation and environmental protection.

Choose a building site of around 1000㎡ from an urban-rural environment of 10000㎡, in which you understand the transformations of its culture and natural landscape through studies and land-traces.

Weather it is a place among nature or a piece of natural landscape within a city, avoid choosing environmental or ecologically sensitive site that should not be built upon, without a strong reasoning. You are to identify the meaningful natural elements and cultural landscape: hillsides and valleys, trees and fields, streams and lakes, insects and fishes, cottages and stone-walls. Within the 1000㎡ chosen site, design a building or a building complex with floor area of no less than 100㎡ and no more than 1000㎡. Your design should have more than one floor-level. It should be used for certain functions such as living, working, learning or experiencing. You are to think critically on how to achieve a symbiotic relationship between architecture, landscape, ecology and environment, illustrate in your design how the site and architectural spaces interact with natural elements of topography, tree, water, land and climate. Please consider the changes your building undergoes from day to night and through the seasons. Consider how water and air flow through your building. Pay attention to how sunlight and shade moves in your spaces. Figure out how the building can shelter you from rain, snow and wind, while also facilitating air and light circulation within so that the building breathes.

The most important thing is to imagine, 100 years later, how an architecture of landscape can sustain its symbiotic relationship with nature, when the human condition and events have transformed and renewed, and the new life of architecture begins.

Reference Readings:

- Ian L. McHarg: Design with Nature (Sea and Survival; The City: Process and Form).

- Kevin Lynch: Site Planning (2. Site Form and Site Ecology; 9. Sensuous Forms).

- Christian Norberg-Schultz:

Genius Loci -Toward a Phenomenology of Architecture (I Place; II Natural Place).

- Kenneth Frampton: Toward a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance.


WANG Jianguo

Academician at Chinese Academy of EngineeringDirector of National Supervision Board of Architectural Education (China)Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityDirector of The Architect Editorial Board


ZHUANG WeiminAcademician at Chinese Academy of EngineeringDirector &Professor of School of Architecture, Tsinghua UniversityDirector &Chief Architect of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co.,LTD.

WANG WeijenDirector of Wang Weijen ArchitectureProfessor of Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong

LI Cundong Secretary General of Architectural Society of China Chief Inspector of China Construction Technology Group

TONG MingProfessor,College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji UniversityFounder and principal architect of TM Studio, Shanghai

DONG GongFounder / Design Principal of Vector ArchitectsForeign Member of French Academy of ArchitecturePlym Distinguished Visiting Professor,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ZHANG PengjuMaster of Engineering Investigation and Design across the NationProfessor, College of Architecture, Inner Mongolia University of Technology

LI ShaoyunGeneral Manager and Design Director of TEAMZERO

LI GeEditor-in-Chief of The Architect, China Architecture Publishing & Media Co., Ltd.


The 1st Prize (One Winner) : Certificate +

¥ 80,000

The 2nd Prize (Two Winners) : Certificate +

¥ 50,000

The 3rd Prize (Five Winners) : Certificate +

¥ 10,000

The Excellence Prize (Ten Winners) : Certificate + 6 issues of The Architect magazine in a year


Submission Materials

1. Design Drawings: One A0 (1189mm×841mm) board in JPG format, the information which is necessary to explain the design is encouraged to submit. Content may include but not limited to site plan covering the 1000㎡ site,location plan indicating the 10000㎡ context,sectional perspective illustrating the architecture with landscape,model illustrating the spatial form with landscape,architectural plan elevation and section. A design note within 500 words is also contained. The resolution of the board must be no less than 300dpi.

2. Design Note: It should be in DOC format and no more than 500 words.

3. Author Information: The information collection table is available for download on the web site. (http://thearchitect.cabp.com.cn/ch/index.aspx)

4. Declaration of the Originality: The commitment is available for download on the web site. (http://thearchitect.cabp.com.cn/ch/index.aspx)

5. Statement of Student’s Status: The competition is open to all in-school students from China and overseas. A certification with college seal is needed to confirm identity.

6. Entry Fee: The competition is free but entrants need to pay the cost of printing drawings. After the payment, the entrant would get a 【Reference Number 】 with three numbers from logistics information and this number would be used when submitting the works. Scan the following QR code to pay and submit the screenshot of payment voucher(in JPG Format) with your entry to the E-mail: thearchitect1979@cabp.com.cn. Please remember to get the 【Reference Number】.

Submission Method:Please submit all the materials to E-mail: thearchitect1979@cabp.com.cn.Name Format of e-mail and attachment: [Reference Number] Name of Entrant’s University, Name of Entrant, Telephone Number.

Date of Submission:

Please submit all the materials to E-mail before 17:00, Sep 8, 2020 ( 24:00 China Standard Time). And you will receive our mail as a response.


This competition is open to all in-school students from China and overseas, including the students who would finish the study in 2020.

Selection Process:

The entries will be selected at College of Architecture, IMUT during September to October, 2020. And the results will be displayed to public online for a week at the same time. Publication:The final results will be known until the selection process is completed.The award-winning works and critics will be published in The Architect No. 208.


1. There are not more than three participants and at most two tutors per group.The competition is open to all in-school students from China and overseas.

2. No registration is required. The competition is free but entrants need to pay the cost of printing drawings.

3. No specific location site is required and no extra tasks are given. Entrants could choose those stuffs by yourselves. (PS: Entries will not be reviewed if any of the rules or submission requirements are not considered. Content may include but not limited to site plan covering the 1000m² site, location plan indicating the 10000m² context, sectional perspective illustrating the architecture with landscape, model illustrating the spatial form with landscape, architectural plan elevation and section.

4. Participants are not allowed to submit a project that was also submitted for a different competition which ends before the results of TEAMZERO Award Architecture Students Design Competition are announced.

5. The copyright of the entry belongs to the author and the publishing right belongs to the Architect.

6. Entries should be originated; Plagiarism is prohibited.

7. Competition Consultation: Scan the following QR code to join our QQ group(ID:775343930).

Secretary-General of Competition】


Editor-in-Chief of The Architect


CHEN Haijiao;LIU Chuan;LIU Ran

010—58337043 / 7115 / 7029/ 7105


The Architect, China Architecture Publishing & Media Co., Ltd.

TEAMZERO Architecture and Planning Co., Ltd. Guangzhou

College of Architecture, Inner Mongolia University of Technology












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